LX and ID tool: using Bloom's Taxonomy to articulate learning outcomes

LX and ID tool: using Bloom's Taxonomy to articulate learning outcomes

Here is a classic instructional design tool you may find useful. Bloom's taxonomy provides a list of verbs you can choose from to articulate instructional goals or learning outcomes. It helps trainers to clarify what people must be able to do after they have taken a course and what abilities need to be evaluated. Should learners be able to recall facts (remember), explain ideas (understand), use information (apply), draw connections (analyse), make decisions and justify those decisions (evaluate) or produce original work after learning (create)?

Note that 'create' is the 6th and most advanced learning outcome, which is why teaching design and innovation is complex and isn't a quickly attained skill. To enable creativity in a learner takes time and layers of comprehension, so be clear what tests and tasks people must take to move through all 6 levels before they can create original work and not just copy.

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