
How we talk about work

The first book in the series - How We Talk About Work - was the product of 3 years of research with 85 participants across 6 continents - and over 200 illustrations to bring their words to life. Since 2019, ‘creative makers’ around the world shared what they think about work; the designers, developers, creatives and strategists who conceive of and build the digital products, services and experiences that we rely on today. Before, during and at the close of the pandemic, they spoke about what made them want to work with organisations and what would make them leave, how they felt about work and what they wanted for their future.

The resulting book, published in 2022, is an easy and engaging way for employers to get up close to real opinions, hopefully inspiring them to think of their talent as more than just resources. It is also for creative makers who are struggling to feel heard and are looking for inspiration from their peers. It can help everyone to think about how to improve employee experiences as we prepare for a future of doing creative and innovative work with great people.

How We Talk About Leadership

How We Talk About Leadership is a follow up to How We Talk About Work. When researching the first book I was told many times that ‘It all comes down to leadership.’ Creative makers feel that their key needs can only be met if the right leaders are in place. They also told me that, as leaders, they are struggling to meet the overwhelming and growing expectations being placed on them.

New generations have reshaped leadership by expecting much more than before. They want leaders to personalise their approach to each individual, to understand complex mental health needs, to protect them from stress, to be inclusive in their speech and attitudes, to teach them one-on-one, to be the best practitioners to learn from and be commercially astute enough to enable faster pay increases. However, now that the generation who introduced these expectations are leaders themselves, they are struggling to hold themselves to the same high standards.

9 Optimistic Pearls of Cynicism

9 Optimistic Pearls of Cynicism is an illustrated essay that reveals how both cynicism and optimism can co-exist, mostly for those of us who don’t want to be defeated by life or to pretend it isn’t awful and absurd on occasion.

Buy the Kindle or paperback version on Amazon.

How misogyny has impacted my career since 1996

This short illustrated essay, in comic book format, is a deeply personal account of my experience navigating misogynistic workplaces for the past 25 years. It is time for us to share our honest testimonies so that we can move towards a more equitable society.

Read the illustrated book here.

The Meritocracy Manifesto

The Meritocracy Manifesto is a little book with big ideas about how to address the key issues we are facing today to create better workplaces in the future. If you haven't received a copy, you can read it here for free by clicking the ‘preview’ button, or you can buy a hard copy if you prefer. You can also find out about how to unlock the future of work through creating a learning business model by watching this video. If we make the right choices today, we could create harmonious organisations that enable smarter work and happier people in the future.