MicroMasters in Instructional Design and Technology

MicroMasters in Instructional Design and Technology

My Employee Experience (EX) work has highlighted just how important democratised, high quality skills transfer is. Read more about my thoughts on this or my Learning Experience (LX) work to find out more.

As a consequence, I have embarked on a MicroMasters in Instructional Design and Technology with the University of Maryland Global Campus. MicroMasters programs are a series of graduate level courses from global universities that can build towards an accelerated Master’s Degree. This course focusses on learning theories, new tools and technology, instructional design models and course evaluation methods. I’m due to complete the course at the end of 2021 and it’s proving very informative and applicable already.

Using service design to create solutions for disability support workers and their clients

Using service design to create solutions for disability support workers and their clients

Wise snippets from conversations with...

Wise snippets from conversations with...