Fitbit hackthon at DT

Fitbit hackthon at DT

DT are dedicated to workplace health and well-being, so everyone in the office was given a Fitbit to improve their daily activity levels. Research also shows a strong connection between creativity and physical activity, so it seemed like a great idea to set a 24 hour hackathon challenge to hack the Fitbit device and data into something even more useful for workplace health. 6 teams across Sydney and Melbourne picked up the challenge and ran with it, so to speak.

 I used innovation principles to structure the event; Prior to the hackathon I fed in insights around critical thinking and on the subject of adherence,  ensured that the developers were front and centre and that we didn't revert back to working in a waterfall structure.

 The result was outstanding; ideas ranged from stress reduction, digital personal trainers, meaningful walking and gamefied health. Now the teams are now looking into funding options to allow them to progress from a prototype to an MVP and, hopefully, a full, marketable product.

Article for UX Magazine; Five Tips for Experience Designers Working to Improve Healthcare Innovation

Article for UX Magazine; Five Tips for Experience Designers Working to Improve Healthcare Innovation

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